

Intuitive Wellbeing

Become the receptive woman who opens up to

Higher Guidance, shifting back to profound
well-being, self-love, and calm confidence to create
from the heart.

Intuitive guidance for curious, open-minded women ready to explore their inner wisdom in a calm, grounded, and efficient way.

Discover the Answers Within

Tap your inner mentor 

for profound wellbeing

for greater balance

for Unshakable Confidence

for Creative Power

for building your highest vision

Together, we’ll consciously access your inner wisdom so you can make decisions that elevate your life and well-being to new heights. 
If you're serious about answering the call to change your state of being in a serene way, without adding any more stress, then you’re in the right place.

your intuitive life
and wellness GUIDE.


I specialize in a kind of well-being that empowers you to feel your absolute best—radiant, fulfilled, and deeply at peace.

By helping you overcome internal blockages and limiting beliefs, we unlock the power within you to rise and thrive. 

Here is where you can speak to the amazing experience that you provide your couples with! What can they expect from working with you? How do you serve them in a way that is unique and set apart from others in your industry? Bare your soul and share it all here!

Sesame snaps lemon drops tart jelly dessert chocolate bar topping pie danish. Tiramisu gummi bears dragée muffin fruitcake cheesecake topping. Cotton candy croissant sugar plum halvah chupa chups jelly sesame snaps dragée halvah. 

Rooted in timeless images, raw and authentic emotion, and a seriously good time.


- Rachel - Personal Coaching

“ Lilian is a phenomenal life coach.
I have had several sessions with her that have had an extremely positive impact on my life and allowed me to see things from a whole new perspective.

I have gained valuable insights that have helped me live my best life. I am very grateful ”


- Carlie , Personal Coaching

"My session with Lilian was just profound. So much healing happened during the session and it opened the door for more healing in other areas of my life that I was not expecting. Her ability to be a channel for my guides was incredible.

There was no doubt in my mind that she was really channeling my Guides."




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